Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Crohn's Liver Stomach Problems and Autoimmune Hepatitis

Got to go to a Cowboys Game!
My liver enzymes were high at last two Remicade infusions.  After several tests I had a liver biopsy last Thursday.  Results are that I have autoimmune hepatitis.

I had an endoscopy yesterday and it showed inflamation in my stomach and duodenum.  This explains the severe stomach pain I've had since before Thanksgiving.

I had a HIDA Scan this morning and will find out the results later.  I am RADIOACTIVE! :-) for a day anyway.

Migraines also started back up in the last week.  I've had three.  So basically I've been a GIANT MESS. 

Leaving for a Christmas Cruise tomorrow and hopefully I've got all the medications I need to get me through this one.  I feel like I've been living at the hospital for the last week and will be glad to get away from all the procedures and have some much needed rest.

All Packed LOL
Thanks for listening!

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