Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Gallbladder Removal Coming Up

Hi!  I'm back from my trip. I had to take it really easy on the cruise, eating a bland diet and spending time at the spa trying to get myself feeling better. I've been in quite a lot of pain especially after I eat. Therefore I've lost about 5 pounds and even threw up in a plant by the elevators on the ship.  It was all water so maybe it was good for the plant!

So with all the test results I've had they've discovered that on top of my Crohn's, I have autoimmune hepatitis, gastritis, and an inflamed gallbladder.  I have an appointment with a general surgeon next week for a consultation on the gallbladder removal surgery.

I certainly don't understand why all this has happened. I know that back in September I didn't feel well for about a month and I blogged about it. Maybe that was the beginning of these new problems.  I don't know if my Crohn's is the cause of all these other organs having problems. I'm quite suspicious that it may be the iron infusions that started this cycle of organ destruction. I also wonder if it's perhaps the Remicade itself.

My symptoms are as follows:

Constant upper abdominal discomfort that turns into waves of severe pain after eating
Headaches constantly
Joint pain - elbows, knuckles, finger joints, ankles, knees, feet, hips (worse in evening also different places daily)
Painful neck
Jaw pain
Stiff muscles
Stiff back muscle middle back right of spine (that's been there since before this started)
Pain left back under shoulder blade difficult to take deep breath
Puffy eyes
Abdominal rash (large red itchy bumps that come and go)
Very bloodshot left outer eye
Different itchy areas on upper legs bruise if scratched
Swollen bruised left ankle no injury

Treatment of symptoms so far:

Nexium 40 mg 2/dy
Carafate 2/dy
Norco as needed (every day)
Bland diet

I am suspicious that the Nexium is causing all the joint pains and muscle stiffness so I am going to discontinue taking that.  The joint pain is so bad in the evening that I have to get my husband to open a bottle of water for me and help me with getting into bed and turning off the light switch on my lamp.  I feel like I'm 95 years old at that point!

If anyone has had similar problems, symptoms please share with me. Knowledge is power.

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