Saturday, January 31, 2015

Remicade Reaction Gallbladder Removed

Wow! Time for a post. So the Prometheus test showed I definitely had a reaction to Remicade. I had built up autoantibodies. This is what caused so many of my symptoms. Especially the rash and the migrating joint pain and swelling.

The doctor still wanted my gallbladder removed because of the low ejection fraction and the possibility of  causing future problems. The surgeon removed it 3 days ago and performed another liver biopsy and a hernia repair. I am doing very well. Everything went smoothly and I'm healing up nicely.

I don't have any joint pain at this point so I hope my system has fought off the remicade and I am on the mend. I feel pretty good and I hope to heal up from this surgery quickly and start getting strong again. Maybe the gallbladder has been a little toxic to my system because I sure feel a lot better overall. Who knows.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Is This a delayed Remicade Reaction?

Hi again!   I am slowly feeling better.  We finally have some sunshine today and crisp, clear blue sky. Makes a body feel good.

Lately Diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, gastritis, and an inflamed gallbladder.  Gallbladder removal surgery is tentatively scheduled for January 28.  Still waiting for results of the test for antibodies to Remicade.  Did not have latest Remicade infusion this week per doctor's orders.

My symptoms have really gotten much better:

 •Constant upper abdominal pain is gone
 •Headaches are gone
 •Stiff muscles much better
 •Pain left back under shoulder blade difficult to take deep breath - gone
 •Puffy eyes better
 •Very bloodshot left outer eye - gone
 •Swollen bruised left ankle no injury - all better
 •Painful neck gone

 •Weakness Lethargy
 •Joint pain - much better latest just in hands and hips
 •Jaw pain
 •Stiff back muscle middle back right of spine (that's been there since before this started)
 •Abdominal rash (large red itchy bumps that come and go)
 •Different itchy areas on torso only now
 •Very weak and tired and seem to require a lot of sleep
 •When I wake up in the morning I'm all sweaty

Treatment of symptoms now:
 •Bland diet

Honestly I feel like my body has been fighting something since September. Perhaps it's all been a reaction to the Remicade. Hopefully I will find out soon.  I'm still not sure about having my gallbladder removed. I will have to talk more to my doctor about it after I find out the results of the Prometheus test.  I want to be able to eat regular food again so if it means my gallbladder has to be removed in order to do so then I will follow through with it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Stop All Meds

Quick update...  Went to surgeon she checked me out and explained the whys and hows of gallbladder  surgery and got it scheduled.

Went to Gastro. She was concerned about joint pain and inflammation. Suspects Remicade reaction. Sent me to lab for blood work. Postponed surgery. Postponed remicade infusion. Stops all Meds.

Supposed to get mobile phlebotomist to come to house Friday for Prometheus IFX ASSAY. I was hobbling all over the hospital lol.  BP 87/63.